Thursday, February 10, 2011

Student Council Speaker

On Tuesday during the student council meeting I attended for the Honors College, a representative from the student dining staff came to speak to us. The esigence that caused her to come and speak at our meeting is the closing of Simmons Dining Hall and renovation of Pollock Dining Hall. The Honors College student council is a great reciever because Simmons Dining Hall is in one of the honors dorm and right across the street from Atherton, the other honors dorm.

Moving the dining hall, and the healthy food that many honors kids enjoy will definately have a large impact on them, so speaking to the honors kids is a great way to find get the ideas of the changes out there. The honors kids love to hear about the changes that are going to be made so they can voice their opinion on the matter. The Student Council especially is extremely interested in bettering the university for the students and they love to give their input into the different school projects.

The university wants Pollock to be successful and students to be happy with the new dining arrangements, so speaking to a group that loves to provide student opinions is a great choice. Everyone at the meeting was obviously very interested in what she had to say, and she spoje with a conversational tone which was good because it allowed students to feel comfortable enough to speak their opinion. She was very informative and well prepared with her information, so it made what she said very believable.

The speaker established her ethos by telling us she worked a lot on the preparation and planning so that we knew her information was credible. It was a good presentation and the student council loved to be informed and able to make suggestions.


  1. Great analysis! You covered all aspects of the rhetorical situation very well. It makes sense to talk to the honors student council about changes that are going to affect mostly honors students.

  2. Good job! I like how you took a situation you observed in real life and managed to explain the rhetorical situation of it. You're a great writer!
